Wednesday, February 21, 2007


One of the most powerful documentaries that I have ever seen. Only those devoid of humanity will not be moved by what happened to Emmett Louis Till. Beauchamp makes every attempt to be objective in telling this story but his human compassion comes through, he obviously has great, and natural, disdain for the murderers that where never brought to justice.
Home Theater Info, Doug MacLean

Keith A. Beauchamp's lean, harrowing inquisition into a murder that catalyzed the civil rights movement, is an incendiary documentary.
The New York Times, Stephen Holden

This well-focused, short (75 minute) film will be an eye opener for those who didn't live through the era. For those who did, it will be all too familiar.
The Arizona Republic, Richard Nilsen

A triumph of documentary activism nine years in the making, The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till revisits Till's death and the trial and acquittal of the two men, Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam, who later confessed to the crime in a magazine interview (both have since died).
Village Voice, Joshua Land

Beauchamp must be applauded for not only for his investigative daring but also his unflinching courage. At least one of his witnesses preferred to be interviewed in shadow, to protect her identity.
Chicago Tribure, Robert K. Elder


August 28, 1955 At age 14, a young black Emmett Louis Till is murdered Mississippi for whistling at a white woman.

September 23, 1955 An all white jury deliberates for 67 minutes and acquits Till’s killers.

December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks refuses to give up her bus seat, launching the Civil Rights Movement.

January 1956 Look Magazine prints a confession from Till’s killers JW Milam and Roy Bryant.

Spring 1996 Beauchamp decides to devote all of his time on the Till case & film.

January 6, 2003 Before the film release & the case is reopened, Mamie Till Mobley dies at 81 still fighting for justice for her son.

May 10, 2004 The Justice Department reopened the investigation into the murder of Emmett Louis Till.

October 21, 2004 CBS 60 minutes runs story on Emmett Louis Till, Ed Bradley later wins Emmy for the story.

August 17, 2005 On the 50th anniversary of Till’s death, the film begins opening in selected theaters.

February 28, 2006 The DVD is released including a classroom addition with six lesson plans.

September 14, 2005 The Till Bill is passed by the US Senate allowing the Justice Department to probe old Civil Rights Cases.


Director and producer Keith Beauchamp is originally from Baton Rouge, La. At age 23 he started working on the Emmett Till documentary. After 9 years of tracking down all the live witnesses from the 1955 murder, he finished "The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till."

Keith's passion and work on the documentary sparked interest in the US Justice Department and the Emmett Till case was reopened after 50 years. All major networks picked up the story:

photo courtesy of Keith Beauchamp